School Hours / Dates
Monday to Friday 8.55am - 2.53pm
Term 1: 28 January to 11 April
Term 2: 28 April to 27 June
Term 3: 14 July to 19 September
Term 4: 6 October to 10 December
Clayton Road Rotorua 3015
Phone: 07 3488459
Email: Click here

Another fantastic Education Review Office Visit- June 2014
I am so proud of the efforts of my amazing staff. They are so dedicated, they are totally committed to providing high quality education to our very special students.
The tamariki are the taonga of our school. They strive to do their best every day and they are determined to be successful. They love school and they have a real sense of belonging.
Our students have such a strong bond with their teachers. To see a pupil hug a teacher or a teacher hug a student is an everyday occurrence, the relationship is something very special. I am totally inspired by the efforts of both my staff and my students, success is the only option.
I would also like to commend our school community. Your support is appreciated and valued. We all appreciate so much the aroha you have for the school. Together we are making a difference
I am so proud to be the Principal of Te Kura o Whakaahu, the greatest school on the planet.
Brent Griffin
Posted: Friday 1 August 2014
Author: Brent