School Hours / Dates
Monday to Friday 8.55am - 2.53pm
Term 1: 30 January to 12 April
Term 2: 29 April to 5 July
Term 3: 22 July to 27 September
Term 4: 14 October - TBA
Clayton Road Rotorua 3015
Phone: 07 3488459
Email: Click here
Western Heights Primary School Rotorua
Western Heights Primary is a high performance school. We are a strong team and we have worked hard to create an environment that provides our children with the highest quality of education.
We have high expectations for student achievement and family history or background will not be used as an excuse for poor achievement. All children are valued and are expected to learn and we will give them every opportunity to reach their potential.
The staff at Western Heights Primary School have been employed strategically and I am confident all children attending our kura will have a teacher of high quality. The teaching staff is highly skilled, professional and dedicated with a passion for teaching and learning.
Our Vision